RSVP using the form below
DATE: Thursday, September 12 at 6 PM
LOCATION: Breaker Brewing Company
787 E Northampton St
Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702, USA
COST: FREE to all ad industry professional and students (food and drinks not included)
DETAILS: Looking to meet new people in the advertising industry in NEPA? Looking for a reason to enjoy good food and beer? Want to learn more about AAF?
Kick off the 2024/2025 year with AAF NEPA and our current board members! Meet the team, learn more about AAF NEPA, network and have fun.
Open to AAF NEPA members and nonmembers, everyone is encouraged to attend! We’ll see you there!
This free event is open to members and nonmembers. Registration is appreciated!
RSVP to this upcoming event